Saturday May 10, 2008 - Fran and the Gunfighters - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday May 10, 2008 - Fran and the Gunfighters

Fran is one of the more notorious Crossfit Work outs of the Day - with good reason! I am certain you are getting familiar with the 21-15-9 sequence.


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: + 95 pound Thruster + Pull-ups

Fran Movies!

Firefighter Fran (CrossFit Norcal) ...[wmv][mov]
Fran (Greg and Annie)...[wmv]
Fran (Greg and Josh)...[wmv]
Fran - Colorado 2005...[wmv] [mov]
Fran-Brett Marshall, 2:19...[mov]

I completed Fran in San Antonio today at the Concorde Athletic Club - - a place I enjoyed working out back when I lived in San Antonio 1995-1998. Huge props to JJ Kale and Jon Stone who completed a killer Pull Up sequence at the 182 Fighter Squadron Gym with me on Tuesday.

Friday night Tru Eyre, Mark Schuler, Craig Wolf, Jeremiah Tucker, and I got to take part in Captain Mike "Stiffler" Gommel's graduation from F16 school. It was a great night featuring Retired General Charles Duke as the commencement speaker and Stiffler winning the award for the TOP GRADUATE of his class! It was also a great opportunity for me to catch up with some of my favorite Lonestar Gunfighters that raised me as a fighter pilot. I am pictured with Chief Leonard Campos, LtCol Ken Nereson, and LtCol Bill Bostic.

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