Tuesday April 6, 2008 - Coach Ansley - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday April 6, 2008 - Coach Ansley

Great day on the CROSSFIT front and for the Evergreen Freshman Football team!

  • Clean 135 pounds
  • Ring dips

Remember to double pullups and dips as a substitute for Ring Dips (ouch!)

The Evergreen Boys did agility drills with Coach Brown followed by "300" with me. Later they got to here from Coach Abb Ansley. Abb played in the NFL and was also one of the original Body For Life Champions. I have a great deal of respect for Abb, what he has accomplished and his continued dedication to fitness. I look forward to coaching with him!
