Sunday July 12, 2009 - Kicking it! - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday July 12, 2009 - Kicking it!

First of all Congratulations to Captain Dan Brown on his wife's birth of their daughter Eva. Our Saturday 1030 Commander's Crossfit Class dedicated our Filthy Fifty to them! Dan is pictured with the workout.
Truth be told I am NOT the health and fitness police. It is true that folks hide their cookies and sometimes put out their cigarettes when they see my approach. I respect everyone's right to choose their own behaviors, but I am admittedly not the biggest fan of smoking.

Sgt. Greg Tosh and Sgt. Pete Mendoza have been working hard with me on Crossfit prior to my 1030 Class. I give Tosh extra credit as he made the decision to stop smoking today. When you work hard enough in Crossfit, eventually it no longer makes sense to continue that habit. Quitting isn't easy, but based on Tosh's effort in the gym, I have no doubt he will succeed! Pictured after a Crossfit workout with Tosh.

My love, Lindsay, shared a great article with me from this Friday's USA Today on Smoking in the military. Times they are a changing for the better.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Yay for quitting smoking!!!!
Here's a post I did about the possible ban on smoking in the Military. Talk about a big debate - this one may turn out to be bigger than "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

Thanks again for all your support and mentoring in CrossFit. I hope I can get in a couple more workouts before I head out. You and Vanessa have been wonderful teachers and great inspirations for my own transformation.
