Wednesday May 7, 2008 - Stretch? - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wednesday May 7, 2008 - Stretch?

I make my football players learn and live the quote: "How you do anything is how you do everything." Our emphasis is that you treat school, warmup, agility, lifting, playing, and life with the same level of intensity.

Stretching is one of the areas that many of us neglect in fitness. The old school mentality was to stretch before you workout or play so as not to pull a muscle. We now know that stretching cold muscles accomplishes little - - which is why we warm up with agility drills, jump rope, air squats, etc. Stretching benefits and gains are best achieved following a workout after your muscles are warm.

If you want to become more versed in stretching I frequently recommend YOGA. Yes, I catch a lot of flack from my fellow fighter pilots for my affection for Yoga, but it has allowed me to do things physically that would otherwise not be possible! Most Yoga studios give free introductory sessions. My favorite franchise locally (I am now a proud "card-carrying" member) is Core Power Yoga. They offer a FREE WEEK -

Even if you don't pursue Yoga, it is critical that you be disciplined to stretch following your workouts!


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