Gracefully into your mid 40's (or ANY age!) - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Gracefully into your mid 40's (or ANY age!)

My buddy Jeremiah Weed Tucker was asking me some aging questions recently. You see, he just turned 40. I recently turned 44. We both Crossfit hard and fight aging - a trend the baby boomers started but Gen X and Y will continue to take to another level!

In upcoming posts I will share insights and limited wisdom to aging gracefully. Everything from buying (and using) a Vitamix blender, to supplementation, to workouts, and even ideas on staying mentally and spiritually fit.

One thing I've noticed in my 40's is the need to do less, but better. I've had to make myself less busy so that I can focus more energy and effort into the things that are truly important. Contrary to slowing down, it has equated to doing fewer things, but trying to do them at a higher level of proficiency. Hint - earning more money isn't always it's all cracked up to be. Think about that one.

Pic from earlier this Fall at Crossfit Moema in Brazil.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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