Why Paleo? - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Paleo?

My variety of endeavors and passion for all things fitness has frequently led me to be an accidental and deliberate counsel for those looking to improve their physical condition.

I recommend sound, tried and true principles when it comes to exercise, diet, and supplements. I always avoid the latest fad or trend promising quick results but lacking in long term lifestyle changes.

My credibility stems from passion, experience, education, and actual results in my own 42year old body. I never advocate anything I haven't personally tested with great results.

Wedding season generally sparks increased interest in improved physical condition. A few weeks ago I found myself recommending books on the increasingly popular "Paleo" ( Paleolithic = Caveman) Diet. Paleo is actually very closely related to the principles I have always espoused of a focus on protein, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables -- but takes it to another level. Bottom line is that for the past weeks I have followed a Paleo protocol and experienced the strongest physical and performance results ever linked to an eating protocol.

I recommend picking up the following book and educating yourself on WHY eating Paleo makes sense and works:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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