"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error." - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error."

As Crossfit has evolved into a global phenomenon and even well televised "sport" I am increasingly appreciate of the classic principles on which it is based.
Watching Matt Chan on the winner's podium this year at the Games demonstrated his willingness to focus on his weaknesses. I can't begin to tell you the number of workouts I have personally skipped or modified containing muscle-ups or snatches -- I hate them,
The quote: "Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error," belongs to Crossfit Founder: Greg Glassman and applies every bit as much to life as it does to fitness!
Face one of your weaknesses today.
I was blessed to enjoy a couple of fantastic workouts in Portland last week with Steve Wieland and his crew at Crossfit Southwest Portland - pictured below.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Hilton Head, South Carolina

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