Citizen Soldiers - Air National Guard - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Citizen Soldiers - Air National Guard

19 years and counting serving with some of the country's finest Americans!

“Given the…looming fiscal challenges the nation confronts, the projected demands for forces, the unique capabilities resident in the reserve components, and their cost effectiveness, the Commission sees no reasonable alternative to an increased use of and reliance on the reserve components” Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, 2008
“In fiscal year 2006, it cost the federal government more than $126,000, on average, to provide annual compensation to active duty service members…Most reservists are part‐time, and their per capita compensation was $19,100 in FY 2006.” ‐Government Accountability Office, “Military Personnel”
“…we find that the total amount budgeted is approximately $51,000 for each reserve component service member and $223,000 for each active component service member.” ‐ Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
“When…personnel appropriations are compared, it is striking to note that Air Reserve Component members use about 14 percent of appropriated personnel funds, but perform over half of all Air Force missions.” ‐The Heritage Foundation
“Our analysis found that reservists are the best buy for the taxpayer…by any metric they are a cost‐effective source of trained manpower, particularly as the cost of active‐duty manpower has grown exponentially in recent years. We consulted CBO, GAO, the DOD comptroller, and outside think tanks. There are many studies and lots of data, but they all come to the same conclusion...” ‐Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, 2008

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