Competitive Roots - Wisdom of the Warrior - The Fighter Pilot's View

Tips, tricks, and tactics for OPTIMAL LIVING!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Competitive Roots

Just had dinner with an old (relatively speaking of course) fraternity brother: Dave Murphy.

Much of my BLOG has to do with fitness, inspiration, philosophy, and motivation. Dave has provided me with plenty in each of those categories over the years.

Dave was affectionately known as Joe Weider before working out was a mainstream activity. The intensity of his workouts combined with the brutal evolution of 80's protein powders and blasting VAN HALEN in the Pike House are still stories of legend! Dave walked on and contributed on a competitive collegiate basketball team and anchored many of our intramural championship teams - - he is the enormous dude pictured in gray with the champagne bottle on the left (circa 1990)

Today Dave is a the President of a successful company, an accomplished triathlete, proud husband (love ya Trish) and father of two. He continues to serve as an inspiration and friend! Great to see him for dinner.
